Medical Aid for Ukraine / Медична Допомога для України

Пластуни передають допомогу на військо

Ми дякуємо за Вашу допомогу, але настав час об’єднати всі наші сили. Ми більше не збираємо пожертви; надсилайте їх до Фонду “Повернись живим”, Фонду Притули або будь-якої іншої авторитетної української організації.

We are no longer collecting donations.

From the very first days of the war — thanks to your help — we were able to make an immediate and lifesaving impact. In those days, aid efforts were naturally dispersed and decentralized, as the needs were immediate and varied.

However, as the war continues, it is only logical to consolidate efforts. 

Please consider donating to any number of reputable Ukrainian organizations, such as the Come Home Alive FoundationRazom For Ukraine, or the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation



Ми працювали над цим останнім проектом деякий час, але щойно отримали підтвердження, що вантажівка вже доставлена! Ми допомогли придбати військовий транспортний засіб, який допоможе обслуговувати та ремонтувати інші машини. Як завжди, ми спрямовуємо наші пожертви на найнагальніші потреби, спираючись на відгуки волонтерів на місцях.

We’ve been working on this latest project for a while, but we’ve recieved confirmation that the truck has been delivered! We helped purchase a military transport vehicle which will help maintain and repair other vehicles. As always, we direct our donations to the most pressing needs based on feedback from the volunteers on the ground.

Thank you for your generous recent and continued support.


As our medical aid continues to be deployed in Ukraine, we are getting increasingly positive feedback! Thanks to you, WE ARE SAVING LIVES! Every piece of medical aid can save a life. Every single piece counts, and every single piece is being put to work where it matters most.

Thanks to your generosity, we have exceeded our initial goal, but we have put all the extra dollars collected to good use:

  • ~ $4300 — 50 advanced IFAKs — delivered to Lviv between 11 and 18 March
  • ~ $36,000 — 400 advanced IFAKs — delivered to Lviv on 6 April
  • ~ $6000 — 100 CAT tourniquets, 100 Quikclot, 100 Israeli bandages — delivered to Hospitiliers Medical Battalion in Kyiv on 19 April
  • ~ $5600 — 49 advanced IFAKs — delivered to Lviv on 26 April

Our combat zone medics and doctors are now asking for specific items to stop massive bleeding and address penetrating chest trauma at the front lines, items that they cannot obtain in Ukraine. So with the extra money collected we have ordered about $40,000 worth of the following:

  1. CAT tourniquets — 475
  2. Israeli bandages — 398
  3. Quikclot: 520
  4. Сhest seals (2-pack, extra / exit wounds) — 475
  5. Trauma shears – 398
  6. Burn pads – 1000

We thank you for your generous support! However, the war is not over — we continue to raise money for life-saving medical equipment as requested by our medics and doctors in the hot zones. If you can, please donate; if you can’t, please share. Slava Ukrayini!

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